Digital Marketing
Digital marketing includes managing different forms of online company presence and presences such as company websites, mobile apps, and social media company pages. Digital Marketing techniques are used to support the objectives of acquiring new customers and providing services to existing customers that help develop the customer relationship.
Digital Marketing Channels: We prefer to use the terminology “digital marketing channels” rather than “types” as each channel that can be used to reach potential customers can be complex depending on the level of integration and tactics applied across digital marketing strategy and campaigns.

Digital Marketing Channels

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Creative Percept have been implementing effective SEO campaigns for our clients for over many years. From quickfire SEO site migration projects to longer-term domain authority building strategies, we have the inhouse expertise to get you on the right side of the search engines. We’ve worked on websites of countless shapes and sizes, across pretty much every sector going, and one thing we’ve learnt is that each site requires its own unique SEO approach.
We like to say that SEO is no longer just science, it’s an ART. This may sound like marketing jargon, but we mean that a good SEO agency needs to go beyond just ticking technical SEO boxes. To achieve ranking improvements, excellent content is more often than not at the centre of the picture and to get this right requires knowledge, talent, creativity and finesse.
Search Engine Marketing
Search engine marketing (SEM) is a form of Digital marketing that involves the promotion of websites by increasing their visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs) primarily through paid advertising. SEM may incorporate search engine optimization (SEO), which adjusts or rewrites website content and site architecture to achieve a higher ranking in search engine results pages to enhance pay per click (PPC) listings.
SEM is one of the best ways to use competitive cost per acquisition techniques to draw in new customers, improve ranking in SERPs, boost Search Engine presence, and optimize other marketing campaigns.

Pay-Per-Click Advertising
Pay Per Click advertising is a facility provided by web search engines to facilitate search results visibility. It is an effective brand promotion technique that makes use of the internet to reach customers online through paid search advertising. Pay Per Click advertising is a cost-effective methodology which drives traffic towards your website. If you have a new website, it may take a while for it to feature in organic searches, hence PPC marketing is the most ideal online advertising tool. The best thing about PPC services is that you only pay when a customer interacts with your advertisement and clicks on it.
An effectively managed campaign will bring a better return on your money. We make sure your keyword targeting is perfect in every one of your Google Ad campaigns. Showing your ads to your target market will make your budget more efficient. Smart PPC advertising will give you a leg up on your competitors. We can help you get the most out of your online marketing.
Social Media Marketing
There’s a growing demand today for connectivity. It is essential to market yourself on social media to drive sales, attract traffic, and engage your target audience. When executed effectively, marketing on social media can see remarkable results for your business. It currently offers the biggest reach and most targeted, trackable, and cost-effective online advertising.
Social Media Marketing represents an ideal method for creating devoted advocates, promoting brands, products, services, news, and events.

Influencer Marketing
Influencer marketing (a.k.a. influence marketing) is a form of social media marketing involving endorsements and product placement from influencers, people and organizations who have a purported expert level of knowledge or social influence in their field. Influencer content may be framed as testimonial advertising; influencers play the role of a potential buyer or may be involved as third parties. These third parties can be seen in the supply chain (such as retailers or manufacturers) or as value-added influencers, such as journalists, academics, industry analysts, and professional advisers.
Mobile Phone Advertising
Mobile ads are the advertising world’s answer to a consumer world that is hooked on to their phone screens or mobile gadgets. In layman terms, it is the type of product/services advertisement technique that you see on your smartphones.
Mobile phone advertising can occur as text-based ads, banner advertisements, videos or even as mobile games.
Considering the average screen size of mobiles, the advertisements are optimized to fit into a smaller display area. Mobile advertising is essentially a part of mobile marketing using traditional techniques and strategies to collect data. This may include consumer profiles, demographics, habits, preferences, etc.